I think every one of us, even having had a great time all week in Isle Royale National Park, were ready to hop on the ferry and start the long process of getting home. If all went as planned we would be back in Richmond about 9:30 Saturday night. So when Friday the 21st dawned and the worst of the rain had gone by, we went down to the park office to see if there were any news. And there was - with gale force winds continuing with 12 foot seas in Lake Superior, the IR Queen IV was cancelled until about noon Saturday. Bummer! One day delay on showers, clean clothing, and a cold beer! Plus, we would miss our flights Saturday. As it turned out, the ranger kindly let us all use the phone to contact United and get rescheduled for Monday (Sunday was booked). But we would have to go through Chicago and Dulles, adding 2 hours to the trip. Next thing - we had to get a place to stay for two more nights in Copper Harbor, while forfeiting what we paid for tonight. As it turned out, between my inReach and the ranger's email account, we got the same place reserved for Saturday and Sunday nights.
So, here we are - on Isle Royale another day. What to do? Well, some of us took a walk along the harbor. We enjoyed the calls and sight of this common loon, one of my favorite birds.
We felt bad for this little warbler, which appears to have been blown in by the storm and seemed exhausted and hungry.
Next up, how about a hike? Some of us hiked a bit back up the Tobin Harbor Trail for perhaps a mile. I kept going another mile to Suzy's Cave. On the way, we saw this pretty sailboat. It would later show up in Rock Harbor, and, about sunset, it would start sailing towards Copper Harbor, 55 miles away, using a short period of predicted decent weather.
Have I said how much I love white birch? Yes? Well, I really do.
This is the thimbleberry, which produces delicious fruits. They are found on Isle Royale, and then not until the Rockies. Figure that one out!
Last night's storm snapped several trees across the trail as easily as I could snap a match stick. We had to crawl under them.
After about two miles, I reached Suzy's cave on a high point with water views close by.
Coming back down to the Tobin Harbor Trail, I liked these little white mushrooms.
And this handsome red-headed merganser couple caught my eye.
So did this little red squirrel on a birch log.
Back at camp, I checked in with some of my companions. It was a chilly day, and I think a lot of people were fine just hunkering down for the day, even though it didn't rain much today.
It wasn't just humans in camp. The Canada jays were always on patrol for a handout,
and we kept seeing this varying (snowshoe) hare at different points. They are fairly large, maybe twice the size of the cottontails that we have in Virginia.
Our last night on Isle Royale, the Heavens treated us to beautiful skies. I stayed until fairly late watching the sun set and enjoying the nearly full moon, and when I got back, I think that everyone was in bed. I read for a while, then turned out the headlamp and tried to get some sleep, listening to the loons calling one last night in this magical place.
Prior story - hiking back to Rock Harbor
Next story - back to civilization
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