Thursday, August 8, 2019

Future of this Blog

In a word - undecided.  I've done a fair amount of hiking since my last post, especially leading two Road Scholars groups - one in June and one in July - for a week of hiking in Shenandoah National Park.  And I went for a hike with a group yesterday up in the Blue Ridge.  But I haven't been motivated to write posts on these yet, and my computer is having problems connecting to the internet (I'm writing this on an iMac, which I have limited experience with and knowledge of).

So I need to think some more about the blog's future.  Keep on?  Only post really great hikes? Pull the plug?  Not sure.


  1. I enjoy your posts but you have to decided what is right for you. It is a hard decision. I've tried a few times to quit blogging but never last long!! : )

    1. Haven't fully decided yet. You have so many followers. I don't read your posts every day, especially when I haven't been posting, but I always enjoy catching up. :^)
