Monday, January 21, 2013

Atlantic Sunrise

I took a couple of short hikes this month out at Back Bay, but didn't encounter any wildlife or anything cool enough to write about.  But yesterday morning, I was up at dawn for a walk of the beach of a couple of miles, and thought I'd share a few photos - although Blogger still is not making it easy to share photos.  I hope that they fix that soon.  I love time on the beach - or anywhere outside, for that matter - and was happy to see sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean once again.

One of my favorite birds, the common loon, is trying his luck here in the cold Atlantic before heading back north.
Fishing pier at Sandbridge Beach
The sun is up on another day.


  1. Beautiful pictures - beautiful walk!

  2. Beautiful photos.
    Love the fishing pier.
    I've not had any problems with pictures. Hope things smooth out for you.

  3. Thanks Julie and Karen, for the comments. While it was not much of a rugged hike, being on the beach a dawn is always a treat. I forgot to mention that I saw about a dozen dolphins a little while later.
