I'm always happy to hit the trails in the mountains, but last Tuesday, I was a little less excited than usual. My goal was strictly to hike several short trails to check them off my SNP 500 list. None of them seemed overly amazing - they were all short sections, out and back, repeating the same ground each time. Here are the trails I hiked, for a total of about 10 miles, with a loss and gain of 1,800 - 2,000 feet:
Eaton Hollow
Simmons Gap Fire Road West (Beldor Road)
Pinefield Hut
Browns Gap Fire Road (east of Doyles River)
On this track, they are located in order north to south to give an idea of their locations, all in the Southern District of Shenandoah National Park:
Yet, despite my lack of enthusiasm, each of these four little hikes yielded a good memory. On Eaton Hollow, I hiked to a cool PATC camp building. On the Simmons Gap hike, I encountered two ladies hiking and had an enjoyable chat. On the hike to the hut, I enjoyed a nice lunch break at a picnic table. And on the Browns Gap hike, I encountered a bear close up, my first great look at a bear in a long time.
The Eaton Hollow hike was about a half mile each way. There was a nice view right at the start, followed by a mostly gentle descent to the camp area:
At the turn-around point, I reached the Schairer Trail Center of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC). I don't know what they do here, but doesn't it look inviting?
Here is the view from the front porch:
This photo gives a good idea of the setting.
Next, I drove a few miles south to Simmons Gap, where these three deer gave me a look over.
I started hiking downhill along the fire road, heading west.

On the way back up, against all expectations, I met two ladies hiking down. I'll call them K and S. Why in the world was anyone else on this trail on a cold Tuesday morning? Well, the logical explanation is that they were also attempting to hike every trail in the park, and that was the case. We had a very nice chat. K wore a cap with the pink breast cancer symbol, so I asked if she was a survivor, which she was. I told her that I was a 17 year Hodgkin's lymphoma survivor, and she said that her husband has non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. I told her about walking the 3-Day 60 mile Susan Komen walk in 2011 (in memory of my sister, Ann, who died from breast cancer that year), and also about doing marathons and half-marathons for Team in Training to raise money for blood cancer research. And we also talked about hiking in the park, and working towards the SNP 500. I think K was getting pretty close to finishing, and S - while not doing the formal miles - likes to help her and hike with her. I still have about 200 miles to go. I enjoyed meeting fellow hikers out there and getting to talk. They were the only people I saw all day.

Next, I drove south a bit and hiked the short distance into the Pinefield Hut, a perfect spot for lunch.
Finally, there was time for one last hike, the east side of the Browns Gap Fire Road. I'd been by this spot at least a dozen times on my Doyles River hikes, including
exactly a week ago with my friend Doug. I left my car at the Doyles River trailhead, and dropped almost 700 feet like a stone to get to the fire road junction,
this time turning east instead of west. The trail went almost two miles from here and dropped another 500 feet, although at a more pleasant pace.
Could there be a bear in this cave? Maybe. Did I stick my head in there to find out? No., I did not!
This was a very pleasant old road to hike along.
On one side was the steep Doyles River Valley. I could hear the falls far below, and even crossed the Doyles River - easily rock hopped - as it flowed over the fire road.
I got some nice views across the valley at times.
The end of the road at the park boundary! Check off one more trail towards the SNP 500.

On the hike back up, I got a treat. I was trying to send my wife a message on the inReach but it was not going through. So on that steep section, near the junction of the trail to the Doyles River Cabin, I stopped to get the message sent. While I was stopped, I heard the sound of an animal in the leaves. Squirrel? No, something larger. I waited and waited, and suddenly, there was a young bear about 100 feet off the trail. I spent a while there, trying to get a good look for a photo. Most of the time, he was partially hidden behind vegetation, but eventually, I got some good shots. He was cautious but not fearful. Up through the woods by the cabin, I could hear two men calling a dog and the dog barking. The bear didn't seem concerned, and eventually ran across the trail about 50 feet from me and headed up towards the cabin. Hopefully, he was not getting food from a human source. This bear looked to me to be a second year cub, meaning his mom had recently kicked him out and he was having to make his own way in the world for the first time. Seeing a bear is always a thrill! This was my first sighting since June, and my first while hiking solo in several years. If I hadn't stopped at that exact spot to send the message, I never would have seen this animal.

What a fun day in the mountains! Meet some wonderful hikers and have a nice chat, and see a bear! And check off about 4 more miles towards my SNP 500! I'd call that a pretty good day!